When you have storage needs that your house cannot accommodate, you might think about taking some of your possessions to a nearby self-storage unit. Doing so is a good idea for many reasons. However, if you have large items that you need to relocate and you don't have a vehicle that can carry them, it can be advantageous to consider a slightly different approach. Contact a storage company that provides mobile storage "pods" and arrange to have one delivered to your home. This storage container can then be kept in your driveway or even in your yard, giving you convenient access to extra storage space. Here are some times that you may wish to get a mobile storage pod.
A Family Member Moving In
Sometimes, a family member will move into your home with little advance notice. For example, a family member going through a separation or divorce may need a place to live for a few weeks, or an elderly family member in poor health may move in with you until space at a care facility is available. You'll want to free up space in your home for this person and his or her possessions, and on-site storage with a storage pod can be the answer. All of your stored items will be easy to retrieve in mere minutes, and you can move them back into your home when the family member moves out.
Starting A Home-Based Business
If you've decided to start a business, it can often be a good idea to do so from your home instead of lease office space. To start a business at home, you may need to reorganize your living space. For example, it might be necessary to covert a spare bedroom into an office, which means that the bed, bedside table, dresser, and other similar items will all need to find a new home. If you don't have space in your basement or garage to store such items, moving them into a mobile storage pod on your property can be a good idea.
Inherited Items After A Family Member's Death
When a family member passes away, you may inherit a number of items. It can be difficult to integrate these items into your home right away. For example, if you get a new dining room set, you might wish to sell your current set before using the inherited set. Similarly, you may wish to sell some of the items that you've just inherited if you can't use them. A mobile storage pod can accommodate you in both regards. It can keep inherited items nearby until you can move them into your home, and it can be a venue for prospective buyers to check out items you're selling without having to enter your home.
For more information about storage containers, contact a business such as Portland Packaging Co Inc.