Three Ways To Use Mass Texts To Boost Your Business

Mass texts offer a way to connect directly with customers interested in your products or services. However, sending targeted purposeful text messages is important to making each text stand out. Sending too many texts can result in customers opting out, which can negatively impact your marketing plan. Here are some thoughtful ways to use a company texting service for your business.

Exclusive Deal Alerts

You can use text messages to provide customers with exclusive access to deals. These texts might be used to promote one-day sales or to provide a coupon code that can be used at checkout. Work with your text messaging company to define the terms for any deals you offer through text, and make sure that the first few words of each message can grab your customers' attention. This is important because they may only see the first few words in the text preview on their phones.

Appointment Scheduling

If your business offers appointments, such as hair appointments or dog grooming appointments, consider using text messages to invite customers to schedule a visit. The texts can include a reply number that indicates interest, which can prompt a response to your business for a follow-up phone call or text. This is a great way to let customers know when you have extra openings, and it also provides an easy way to remind customers they can schedule visits in advance. You can also have your texting company set up text reminders and confirmation messages to keep customers aware of their upcoming appointments.

Free Giveaways

Just about everyone loves free stuff, and giving away free items through mass text messages is another way to grab the attention of your customers . Use mass texts to let customers know when you'll be giving away freebies. Some examples might include free coffee or appetizer giveaways at restaurants or free reusable shopping bags for retail stores. Your texts should let customers know when the deal expires or how many free items will be given away. For example, if you will be giving away 100 beauty kits, be sure to include that only the first 100 customers to arrive will get the kits. This can help prevent frustration and build excitement at the same time.

Choose the frequency of your texts thoughtfully so you don't irritate your client base, and come up with promotions that truly speak to your target customer. Your text messaging company can help you craft message campaigns that work for your business and its customers' needs.
